Did you know that ANIMATAS and its female ESRs are highly engaged in gender equality?
ANIMATAS is fostering female researchers’ excellence and inclusion, in particular through the participation of some of its female ESRs in Women in AI [https://www.womeninai.co/].
Women in AI (WAI) is a non-profit do-tank working towards gender-inclusive AI (Artificial Intelligence) that benefits global society. Its mission is to increase female representation and participation in AI. It is a community-driven initiative bringing empowerment, knowledge and active collaboration via education, research, events and blogging.
As part of ANIMATAS and since the beginning of the project, 2 ESRs are engaged in such activities and are involved in the organization of events.
Karen Tatarian was their social media manager from January 2019 to January 2020 and at the moment is still helping to organize international events.
Jauwairia Nasir is the Women in AI Education Ambassador in Switzerland, actively involved on the ground in the organization of events. She is leading the “WaiCAMP Lausanne: a Day of Exchange and Discovery for Girls.Women in AI Camp (WAIcamp)”, to be held in Lausanne, EPFL, soon in collaboration with Science Outreach Department at the leading EPFL [link] and was involved in helping with the organization of the flagship event “WaiTALK: The Dark Side of AI”, held on 20th February, 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland. For the WaiCAMP Lausanne, ANIMATAS is also involved as a partial financial sponsor. Some of her future collaborations involve expanding similar WaiCAMPs to other parts in Switzerland as well as other countries.