Marie Christine Agopian

Summer School on Computational social sciences for social robots and embodied virtual characters

ANIMATAS Summer School  03/09/18 – 07/0918 on Human Machine Interaction & Education in Sorbonne Université, Paris.

The Summer School is co-organized with the SMART Labex, a Laboratory of Excellence on SMART Human/Machine/Human Interactions in the Digital Society (Sorbonne Université, Paris).

SMART Labex has launched in 2015 a series of summer schools on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences. The SMART School contributes to bridge the gap between the areas of social neuroscience, psychology and educational sciences on the one hand, and mathematics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, autonomous agents and social signal processing on the other hand. This interdisciplinary framework will be efficient only if regulatory and ethical issues are taken into account at the early steps of the research.

This school allows completing the training of PhD students in computational sciences whom research require a background in human behavior analysis, modeling and/or synthesis.

The main topics of 2018 edition are Human Machine Interaction & Education.